Root canal fillings under the operation microscope

Root canal fillings under the operation microscope

Root canal treatments require a great deal of time, experience and care. Because of that, Dr. Pach has specialised in this field and has been a qualified and certified member of the German Society for Endodontology and Dental Traumatology (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Endodontologie und zahnärztlichen Traumatologie e.V. (DGET)) since 2017 with the award of the title "Tätigkeitsschwerpunkt Endodontie". Besides an experienced practitioner, new and safe technologies and instruments have significantly increased the prognosis of root canal treatment.


The affected tooth is isolated with a rubber blanket (rubber dam) after prior local anaesthesia. This prevents bacteria from your saliva penetrating the tooth. In addition, you are protected against swallowing the instruments and disinfectant solutions used.

The length of the root canals is then determined with millimetre accuracy by means of electrometric measurement, and the inflamed or dead tooth nerve (pulp) within the root(s) is removed. This is followed by the cleaning and expansion of the entire channel system with special/rotating instruments (mechanical reprocessing). Various rinsing liquids are used and activated by sound in order to dissolve inflamed tissue and to clean and disinfect even the smallest side canals in the roots.

After drying, the canals are tightly filled with a biocompatible material using the warm-vertical obturation technique where the material is heated, thus penetrating all the "pores" of the root canal system in order to obtain a tight seal and to prevent (as far as possible) bacteria from colonising the tooth again.


Before a root canal treatment, we will explain the treatment, its prognosis and the possible risks/complications to you in detail in a personal conversation. Alternative treatments will also be discussed with you.

However, the prognosis of an endodontically treated tooth also depends on how well it is protected against the recolonisation of germs from the oral cavity. Studies show that a bacteria-proof dental prosthesis as provided by a crown or partial crown is paramount for the long-term success of a root canal treatment.

We can only treat what we actually see!

By using the surgical microscope, the structures and fine root canals within a tooth can be better recognised and displayed. Many details of the complex root canal system can only be recognised correctly in this way and thus treated successfully in the first place. Only with the complete cleaning, disinfection and filling of the root canal system can a long-term successful endodontic therapy be assumed.

Patient information
root canal treatments