How dangerous is the bleeding of gums and how can it be remedied?

How dangerous is the bleeding of gums and how can it be remedied?

Pronounced reddening of the mucous membranes in the mouth and bleeding gums are alarm signals for incipient gingivitis (periodontitis). Periodontitis refers to disease of the periodontium, i.e. the gums and jawbone. Research has shown that more than 80 % of the population suffer diseases of the periodontium. After the age of 40, more teeth are lost in this way than through caries. Periodontitis occurs when bacterial plaque causes inflammation. The gum reddens, swells and bleeds. This results in ever deeper inflamed gingival pockets. Finally, both the gums and jawbone recede. The teeth lose their grip and fall out.

The latest research has shown that other organs and the coronary arteries can also be damaged by periodontitis. We are able to counter incipient gingivitis with a professional prophylaxis program. Advanced periodontitis can be arrested by modern periodontology and surgery. In many cases, the jawbone and gum tissue can be reconstructed. Teeth gain a firm grip again. Thanks to this form of treatment, many patients can be saved from loss of teeth and prosthesis.